Conferences and Science Communication


Algorithms in a hyperconnected world

In this interview we talk about operations research and its importance in a data-centered world.


Opportunities and challenges of generative AI

In this webcast, we share ideas and insights with Maria Francisca Yañez (Microsoft) and Patricio Cofre (EY) on the Opportunities and challenges we see with the new tools in generative AI.


Pauta de Negocios

In this short interview (in Spanish), we talk about the importance of correctly managing data within organizations and the value it can generate.

CNN Divergentes

In this program (in Spanish), we talk about how algorithms affect our lives and why we must be cautious during their design and implementation.

Interview at Radio Guayacán

In this interview (in Spanish), we talk about the importance of data for decision making.


Michigan Center for Global Surgery Symposium

In this talk we present how operations research techniques can be used to develop decision support tools for the operating room scheduling problem.

Optimización matemática: conectando predicción y prescripción para mejores decisiones

In this talk, I give an overview of analytics, focusing on prescriptive analytics and some applications.

National Engineering Day Web Seminar by Universidad Católica de Temuco

In this talk, I give an overview of analytics, focusing on prescriptive models and how they help us make better decisions for complex problems.


Makers Fair Vina 2020.

In this talk, we overview how data proliferation has pushed the development of new tools and methodologies in predictive and prescriptive analytics.

Martes de Física y Astronomía / Physics and Astronomy Tuesdays.

In this interview, we talk about the engineering part of some iconic science-related things, like the ALMA Telescope, the recent SpaceX trip, and the Event Horizon Telescope.

Viaje al Centro de los Datos / Voyage to the Center of Data.

In this interview, we talk about how operations research is key to help in making better decisions and how it fosters interconnections with different domain areas.

Modelos de Decisión ante crisis / Decision models for a crisis.

We talk about the beginnings of operations research and its connection to making good decisions in a crisis.



Several members of our research group participated in OPTIMA 2019, the Chilean Conference on Operations Research.


Todo por la Ciencia (in Spanish)

In this TV program, we talk about how the work we do in operations research in astronomical observatories can help developments in other areas.