observatory operations

Uncertainty estimation through quantile forest for prescriptive scheduling of data processing at ALMA

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a prominent astronomical observatory known for its detailed imaging capabilities. Efficient scheduling of ALMA’s data processing tasks, especially those involving complex pipeline executions, …

A RUL Estimation System from Clustered Run-to-Failure Degradation Signals

The prognostics and health management disciplines provide an efficient solution to improve a system’s durability, taking advantage of its lifespan in functionality before a failure appears. Prognostics are performed to estimate the system or …

Improving prescriptive maintenance by incorporating post-prognostic information through chance constraints

Maintenance is one of the critical areas in operations in which a careful balance between preventive costs and the effect of failures is required. Thanks to the increasing data availability, decision-makers can now use models to better estimate, …

Optimización matemática: conectando predicción y prescripción para mejores decisiones

In this talk, I give an overview of analytics, focusing on prescriptive analytics and some applications.

Operations Research Tools Applied to Observatory Operations

Using operations research methodologies, we are developing new tools for observatory operations.

Slow Degradation Fault Detection in a Harsh Environment

The ever increasing challenges posed by the science projects in astronomy have skyrocketed the complexity of the new generation telescopes. Due to the climate and sky requirements, these high-precision instruments are generally located in remote …

Martes de Física y Astronomía / Physics and Astronomy Tuesdays.

In this interview, we talk about the engineering part of some iconic science-related things, like the ALMA Telescope, the recent SpaceX trip, and the Event Horizon Telescope.

Prescriptive Maintenance

Developing ML and decision support tools for predictive and prescriptive maintenance.

Viaje al Centro de los Datos / Voyage to the Center of Data.

In this interview, we talk about how operations research is key to help in making better decisions and how it fosters interconnections with different domain areas.

Astronomical Scheduling in the Era of Big Observatories

Scheduling has been a common problem to all astronomical observatories due to the limited telescope time compared to the time request from the community. However, when the complexity scale of the observatories increases, along with the construction …