
Uncertainty estimation through quantile forest for prescriptive scheduling of data processing at ALMA

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a prominent astronomical observatory known for its detailed imaging …

Is the change deforestation? Using time-series analysis of satellite data to disentangle deforestation from other forest degradation causes

Protecting natural ecosystems requires monitoring approaches that work as early warning systems to avoid degradation and protect …

A RUL Estimation System from Clustered Run-to-Failure Degradation Signals

The prognostics and health management disciplines provide an efficient solution to improve a system’s durability, taking advantage of …

Improving prescriptive maintenance by incorporating post-prognostic information through chance constraints

Maintenance is one of the critical areas in operations in which a careful balance between preventive costs and the effect of failures …

Dealing with Uncertain Surgery Times in Operating Room Scheduling

The operating theater is one of the most expensive units in the hospital, representing up to 40% of the total expenses. Because of its …

Using smartphone photographs of the Moon to acquaint students with non-Euclidean geometry

Although they are sometimes considered problematic to grasp by students, the concepts behind non-Euclidean geometry can be taught using …

Equipo, sistema y método para administrar óptimamente la energía en una red de uso domiciliario e industrial

Equipo de gestión de energía para administrar la energía eficientemente en una red de manera simple, económica, libre de mantención y …

Slow Degradation Fault Detection in a Harsh Environment

The ever increasing challenges posed by the science projects in astronomy have skyrocketed the complexity of the new generation …

Optimal decisions for salvage logging after wildfires

Strategic, tactical, and operational harvesting plans for the forestry and logging industry have been widely studied for more than 60 …

Real-time fleet management decision support system with security constraints

Intelligent transportation, and in particular, fleet management, has been a forefront concern for a plethora of industries. This …

Operating room scheduling under waiting time constraints: the Chilean GES plan

In 2000, Chile introduced profound health reforms to achieve a more equitable and fairer system (GES plan). The reforms established a …

Salvage logging: harvest scheduling and personnel assignment after wildfires

During summer 2017 Chile was hit by the most massive wildfires in its history, burning more than 450,000 hectares and affecting …

Demand shaping in an electrical power grid

Method for controlling flow of energy in smart electrical power network, involves controlling energy consumption of user based on …

Astronomical Scheduling in the Era of Big Observatories

Scheduling has been a common problem to all astronomical observatories due to the limited telescope time compared to the time request …

Resource cost aware scheduling

We are interested in the scheduling problem where there are several different resources that determine the speed at which a job runs …

ALMA engineering fault detection framework

The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory, with its 66 individual radiotelescopes and other central …

Server scheduling benchmark instances

Data for job scheduling in a server.

The online set aggregation problem

We introduce the online Set Aggregation Problem, which is a natural generalization of the Multi-Level Aggregation Problem, which in …

Demand shaping in an electrical power grid using day ahead market and real time market prices

Control method of flow of energy in e.g. smart electrical power network involves repeating shedding and shifting of optimal amount of …

Proceedings of the XII Chilean conference on operations research

Proceedings of the XII Chilean Conference on Operations Research (OPTIMA) 2017, held in Valpariso, Chile

Operating room scheduling with variable procedure times

Demand shaping in an electrical power grid

Method for controlling flow of energy in smart electrical power network, involves controlling energy consumption of user based on …

Model-based fault detection and diagnosis in ALMA subsystems

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observatory, with its 66 individual telescopes and other central equipment, …

Single machine scheduling with job-dependent convex cost and arbitrary precedence constraints

In this work we combine resource augmentation and alpha-point scheduling techniques, which have resulted in very good performance …

Resource cost aware scheduling problems

Managing the consumption of non-renewable and/or limited resources has become an impor-tant issue in many different settings. In this …

Fault detection and isolation in cooperative mobile robots using multilayer architecture and dynamic observers

Mobile robot systems are being used more often in tasks that protect human operators from dangerous environments, but these benefits …

Layered architecture for fault detection and isolation in cooperative mobile robots

This work presents an architecture that can help to increase the reliability in groups of cooperative mobile robots by taking advantage …

Nonlinear state estimation in mobile robots using a fuzzy observer

The performance of model based fault detection and isolation systems can be improved by designing more accurate estimation methods. …

Fuzzy logic based nonlinear Kalman filter applied to mobile robots modelling

In order to reduce the false alarms in fault detection systems for mobile robots, accurate state estimation is needed. Through this …

Detección y diagnóstico de fallas en robots móviles cooperativos

The use of mobile robots has increased over the last years in a wide range of applications, which go from industrial work to more …

Queen-bee genetic optimization of an heuristic based fuzzy control scheme for a mobile robot

This work presents both a novel control scheme for a mobile robot and an optimization method for improving its performance. The …

Sistema de guiado para un robot móvil basado en lógica difusa

This work presents a new guidance system for a two independent wheeled mobile robot, based on fuzzy logic, which offers several …