The ever increasing challenges posed by the science projects in astronomy have skyrocketed the complexity of the new generation telescopes. Due to the climate and sky requirements, these high-precision instruments are generally located in remote …
Developing ML and decision support tools for predictive and prescriptive maintenance.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory, with its 66 individual radiotelescopes and other central equipment, generates a massive set of monitoring data everyday, collecting information on the performance of a variety of …
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observatory, with its 66 individual telescopes and other central equipment, generates a massive set of monitoring data every day, collecting information on the performance of a variety of …
Mobile robot systems are being used more often in tasks that protect human operators from dangerous environments, but these benefits can be easily lost if the robots spend much of their time being repaired. This implies that any increment in their …
This work presents an architecture that can help to increase the reliability in groups of cooperative mobile robots by taking advantage of analytical and sensor redundancy. First, the design of the architecture is portrayed and the faults to be …
The use of mobile robots has increased over the last years in a wide range of applications, which go from industrial work to more domestic tasks, such as vacuum cleaning or grass cutting. Due to the benefits that these systems bring and the …